
Friday, January 22, 2010

Alice in Wonderland and Goodbye for Now!

I have two announcements:

First - I am really thinking about doing an Alice in Wonderland Party for Lorelys Maia's 3rd birthday!

Second - Classes are going to start soon, so I will not have a lot of time to update my blog :( I don't know if I told you before, but I am currently writing my thesis and I was recently hired to teach full time at a small college, so between that, my daughter, my husband and house I will have my hands full!

But this is definitely not goodbye! I will keep updating on everything I prepare for Lorelys Maia's birthday and any other interesting things I see, but it will not be on a consistent basis so keep coming occasionally... and make sure to follow my blog to see my new updates in your dashboard... maybe you will find something you love and of course I will read every one of your sweet comments!

Thank you for being the heart of this blog, I am thrilled that my little blog has more than 100 followers... Thank you, thank you and thank you a million times!

But for now I want to share some pics I saw on Google Images from the new Alice in Wonderland movie and some digital changes I did to them... if one of the pics is yours and you want me to remove it or give credit please tell me and I will!

 This is a pic of an invitation I saw someplace on google images (can't remember) and I changed it to create a cute teaser for the Lorelys Maia in Wonderland upcoming Birthday Party. This is a great idea for the actual party invitation.

I love the idea of small tables with different table clothes.

See you later my sweet friends!


  1. AWWWW!!! Good Luck in school! I will be waiting till you come back! hehe!!! Just love your SWEET blog!!!

  2. Aww..I will miss you! All the best in your thesis and teaching!!! May God continue to bless you and your family!!
    Can't wait to hear more about your daughter's party! The Alice in Wonderland theme sounds like so much fun!

  3. Good luck in school. And thanks for squeezing my project in before you left! You are an amazing designer.


Thanks for sharing the LOVE! Can't wait to hear what you think of my post!