
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

DIY - Gift Tags to Match Your Gift Wrapping Paper

This is a cool DIY project that you can easily do at home. There are probably a hundred tutorials on how to do this all over the internet, but I wanted to give all of you a Christmas present so here it goes. This is a tutorial on how to make cute little gift tags that perfectly match your wrapping paper. They are little 2.5" square tags. The pics were shot at night so they are not perfect and a little bit off color :), but the tutorial is nice anyway!

Step 1:

Find some gift wrapping paper or use a recyclable option like magazine paper, newspaper, etc. This would look very nice in old magazine paper! And get a piece of cardstock, I used heavy printer paper.
Step 2:

Glue the gift wrap to the cardstock, use a soft cloth to rub the paper as you glue it down so that you don't get any air bubbles.
Step 3:

Cut a 2.5 X 5.0" rectangle using a trimmer.
Step 4:

Score in the exact middle with a folding tool, I used the drop-down arm of the rotary trimmer because it provides a straightedge guide for scoring. This simple step will make your tags look professional.
Step 5:

Pass the folding tool along the fold to flatten. This is another little step that makes your folds look very nice. I am using one hand while holding the camera with the other hand, so that's why the pic looks funny!
Step 6:

Use a corner rounder to round off corners and you are done!

Now you should have something like this:

If you use your punches you can get embellishments or use those as tags by themselves.

I hope you liked my tutorial... if you found this interesting or useful please leave a comment and tell me about it.

Merry Christmas!


  1. For years I've just cute a square of wrapping paper, folded it over and that was it. But this is too cute. I need a folding tool, tho. Wonder if this would fit in my Cricut? Be fun for bdays and other occasions.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Thanks Colleen! I used a 8.5 X 11" printer heavy paper, if your Cricut is big enough you can fit it in there, or make a first cut by hand so that it can fit.

  3. Lorell, thanks for following! You're from Puerto Rico? I did a painting of the old fort there (can't remember the name) years ago - don't even have pictures, but the client wanted the rich, orange sunset, the fort, and hibiscus flowers. Shoot, wish I had pics - before digital cameras ;)
    Have a wonderful holiday season!

  4. Love this Lorell! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  5. Yes Colleen I am from Puerto Rico and you must have painted El Morro Fort which is breathtaking!

    Have a great Christmas yourself Rebekah!

  6. Hi Lorell! Thanks for finding my blog because now I found yours! AND I'm also a follower! You've got some great projects on your blog! Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing your ideas! Aloha, Linda

  7. I am ashamed to say I just wrote on the packages with sharpie this year. I keep saying I've been sick so I have an excuse but I suspect there is really no excuse, ever, for sharpies. Sigh. Yours are adorable, though! Thanks for visiting me!

  8. Merry Christmas to you too! Bet you had lots of yummy food on the table;o) I was a bit sad because my mom forgot the pasteles at home;o( Other than that it was great!

  9. Such a cute idea! Merry Christmas!

    XOXO Sabrina

  10. What an awesome idea. I will have to keep this in mind for next year!


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