
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thank you my followers!

Today I realized that I have 42 followers!!! I wanted to say thank you for getting interested in what I do and letting me into your lives. I am also celebrating that I have 80 comments! Yey! I absolutely love all the comments and people who decides to follow. So if you are reading this, come on make my day, leave a comment and follow me! It means the world for me. I get very happy each time I get a new comment or a new follower... so thank you for being there with me my Sweetly Sweet followers and commenters!


  1. Aww~ Congrats to you! I was thinking... You said you need to learn how to make cookies- well I need to learn how to make PDF files! lol!


  2. Yay! I'm so happy to be a follower! I'm just starting out in the blogging world. I have been following for a long time, but have worked up the courage to start my own! I love your blog and inspiring!

  3. I love being a follower! You have the most beautiful things on your site. Keep up the amazing work. You are on your way to a lot of success. You are just too talented to not have success nipping at your heels. :-)

  4. Oh my gosh, I just saw really are Sweet! I love your work and being a follower :)

  5. I love to being a follower and i will definitely follow you. Thanks for sharing.
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  6. This is my first visit on this site and i like this post and i love being a follower.

    seo greece


Thanks for sharing the LOVE! Can't wait to hear what you think of my post!