
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cupcake Design Too

I made another version of the cupcake, with a little more detail. Because the punch is so little I didn't include a lot of detail in the first one, but I think it will be fine, I like them both. Tell me what you think.

I got my first comment!!! I am so excited! It was from Fernanda, lucky me I speak both Spanish and English. It feels really good that someone else likes what you do and takes the time to comment.


  1. VERY CUTE!!! I like them overlapped...

  2. I am liking them overlapped too! Just designed one of the elements for the Candy Buffet and put them overlapped... I love that you liked them!

  3. Love the overlap! Where do you get the cute templates!! I am Caguena PRico....Miss my island terribly.....

  4. i like them overlapped. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your idea of scanning the punch and redesigning it. I have that same exact punch! I'm also doing a cupcake theme for my daughters 1st bday. Trying to get all ideas. I saw you on TomKatStudio and i'm glad! i like your blog! im starting one myself but have no idea how to do these things still. LOL... now u are my next inspiration! How did u redsign the cupcake, photoshop? Love it! thanks for sharing!

  5. Hey Denise and Joy! I wanted to do something personalized/creative with the cupcake punch so I made the template in Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop. Thank you for the sweet comments, it feels really good to inspire other people!!!


Thanks for sharing the LOVE! Can't wait to hear what you think of my post!